Special Topics

Women and the Church

This is a four-part teaching series exploring the topics of women in leadership within the church, pastor titles, and the theology behind what we believe.

Spiritual Gifts

We hosted a conversation on spiritual gifts, talking through each of the gifts and giving a vision for how we are to be spirit-filled and empowered as a community of believers.


Race and the Church

God's word prompts us to seek reconciliation, empathy, and understanding. The events of 2020 have made it clear that there are a lot of conversations we need to be having as the church, instead of allowing culture to direct and divide us.

To that end, we filmed testimonies from brothers and sisters in our Branches community to help us better understand their experiences as racial minorities in the predominantly white culture of Huntington Beach. Our hope is that this will be a way to build empathy and stand apart as the salt and light of this world.

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Mind Matters

We hosted two nights of conversation on the topic of anxiety, delving into the causes of anxiety and how to take our thoughts captive. Our hope is that these sessions will be a resource to you and a reminder that you are not alone.

Weekly Messages

For our video archive prior to April 2019, click HERE.